Company Activities


CCS asserts itself as being people-oriented and caring for its staff. It is committed to improving the cohesion and loyalty of its entire staff. As such, the company regularly organises a variety of group activities, including sports competitions and other activities.

Employee Welfare: Management sponsors monthly sporting activities in order to promote a vibrant work force.

Employees take part in interdepartmental sports competitions as well as social matches with other companies. CCS also competes in the intercompany First Aid Competition. This encourages its employees to ensure that they know their FIRST AID as much as possible.

Team Building: CCS tries to ensure a good working environment for its employees to work in team spirit through use of team building activities. One such activity is the annual Christmas party where employees from various departments compete against one another in a friendly and entertaining talent show. After which employees, local and expatriates feast and celebrate the coming of the New Year.

Culture Interactions: CCS also sponsors selected employees from various departments on a trip to China to expose them to operations and technologies used at similar smelters and give employees an opportunity to appreciate Chinese culture.

Hardworking employees are also recognized and awarded to help keep them motivated.